DCA “the whole picture of our Advocacy”.
Our project DCA cryptocurrency was founded in October 07 2018. Our agriculture manufacturing company just started this 1st quarter of 2020. We are a manufacturer of organic products in regards with agriculture.
Our practice is more on organic agricultural systems and methods and we do not use synthetic and chemical based ingredients.
Why DCA promoting Organic Agriculture?
Organic farmers, ranchers, and food processors use agricultural methods intended to preserve the environment. Some countries organic regulations restrict the use of certain conventional tools such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticide.
The whole picture of our Advocacy “Help in saving mother earth”
Organic food contributes to better health through reduced pesticide exposure for all and increased nutritional quality. In order to understand the importance of eating organic food from the perspective of toxic pesticide contamination, we need to look at the whole picture — from the farmworkers who do the valuable work of growing food, to the waterways from which we drink, the air we breathe, and the food we eat. Organic food can feed us and keep us healthy without producing the toxic effects of chemical agriculture.
Who benefits?
Farmworkers- reduced pesticide exposure in organic agriculture.
Consumers- increased nutrition and reduced pesticide contamination in organic agriculture.
Children- the organic food is very important for all kids.
Health and Nutrition:
Not only is the production of organic food better for human health and the environment than conventional production, emerging science reveals what organic advocates have been saying for a long time — in addition to lacking the toxic residues of conventional foods, organic food is more nutritious.
Pesticide contamination:
Pesticide residues in food are regulated by the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA), but the tolerance levels assigned for certain pesticides, though determined “allowable”, still pose potential health risks. The only way to avoid pesticide residues is to switch to organic foods. Some foods tend to have lower pesticide residues either because fewer pesticides are used in their production or because they have thicker skins and, when peeled, contain smaller amounts of pesticides than more thin-skinned products.
OUR PRACTICE: Importance of Organic Agriculture and the art of land preparations.
Organic industry is one of the fastest growing agricultural segments in the world. Organic farming yields very important benefits such as maintaining the organic composition of the soil and is a very important thing that a farmer must understand and do.
The most important of all: “Improving soil fertility”
Soil fertility is the ability of soil to sustain plant growth and optimize crop yield. This can be enhanced through organic fertilizers and right method of land or soil preparations.
Healthy soil is the foundation of the food system. It produces healthy crops that in turn nourish people. Maintaining a healthy soil demands care and effort from farmers and by definition, farming disturbs the natural soil processes including that of nutrient cycling — the release and uptake of nutrients.
Organic matter a very important thing in soil preparation
Plants obtain nutrients from two natural sources the organic matter and minerals. Organic matter includes any plant or animal material that returns to the soil and goes through the decomposition process. In addition to providing nutrients and habitat to organisms living in the soil, organic matter also binds soil particles into aggregates and improves the water holding capacity of soil. Most soils contain 2–10 percent organic matter. However, even in small amounts, organic matter is very important.
Soil is a living dynamic ecosystem. Healthy soil is teeming with microscopic and larger organisms that perform many vital functions including converting dead and decaying matter as well as minerals to plant nutrients. Different soil organisms feed on different organic substrates. Their biological activity depends on the organic matter supply.
Nutrient exchanges between organic matter, water and soil are essential to soil fertility and need to be maintained for sustainable production purposes. Where the soil is exploited for crop production without restoring the organic matter and nutrient contents and maintaining a good structure, the nutrient cycles are broken, soil fertility declines and the balance in the agro-ecosystem is destroyed.
How organic matter destroyed in soil
Farming systems have tended to mine the soil for nutrients and to reduce soil organic matter levels through repetitive harvesting of crops and inadequate efforts to replenish nutrients and restore soil quality. This decline continues until management practices are improved or until a fallow period allows a gradual recovery through natural ecological processes. Only carefully selected diversified cropping systems or well-managed mixed crop-livestock systems are able to maintain a balance in nutrient and organic matter supply and removal.
What to do if soil is too acidic?
1.) Lower the amount of acid in soil
2.) Improving garden soil
What causes of soil acidity?
Soil acidification is a natural process accelerated by agriculture. Acidifies because the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil increases. The main cause of soil acidification is inefficient use of synthetic or chemical based fertilizers are major contributors to soil acidification.
Ammonium nitrogen is readily converted to nitrate and hydrogen ions in the soil. If nitrate is not taken-up by plants, it can leach away from the root zone leaving behind hydrogen ions thereby increasing soil acidity.
Most plant material is slightly alkaline and removal by grazing or harvest leaves residual hydrogen ions in the soil. Over time, as this process is repeated, the soil becomes acidic. Major contributors are hay, especially lucerne hay and legume crops.
Effect of Acid Soils on Plant Growth:
Many gardens start out as great ideas farmers are excited and only to find that things don’t grow quite as planned. This could very well be and can happens to anyone because the soil is too acidic to support the life of some plants and there are many things that can cause the soil to be too acidic.
Sometimes there could be too much aluminum in the soil, making it acidic. Sometimes there is too much manganese, which is toxic to plants. If the soil is too acidic, it can be because of a calcium and magnesium deficiency, which is just as bad for plants as it is for humans. Iron and aluminum in great amounts can tie up phosphorus, which also makes the soil too acidic for plants.
Another thing to consider if your soil is too acidic because of poor bacterial growth. With bacteria, the soil becomes more alkaline, and if there isn’t enough of the good bacteria, your soil will not be fertile enough to support life.
What causes acid soil?
Many things can do it, from natural soil pH to the types of mulch or synthetic chemical based you use. Acidic soil can have mineral deficiencies just like the human body, and unless these deficiencies are fixed, the plants won’t live. If your soil is too acidic you’ll need to correct and find the right organic solution for it.
The safest solution:
Improve the soil before you plant in Organic way!
Featuring: Our very own product
*Rich in nutrients
*Improves soil structure
*Adds Organic ability of the soil
*PH level enhancer and conditioner
*Increases and enhances soil fertility
*Improves and help the soil for water holding capacity
*Contains humus and other microorganisms that needed by the soil
The Soil Composition
Plants obtain inorganic elements from the soil, which serves as a natural medium for land plants. Soil is the outer, loose layer that covers the surface of Earth. Soil quality, a major determinant, along with climate, of plant distribution and growth, depends not only on the chemical composition of the soil, but also the topography (regional surface features) and the presence of living organisms.
The major components of the soil
- inorganic mineral matter, about 40 to 45% of the soil volume
- organic matter, about 5 percent of the soil volume
- water, about 25 percent of the soil volume
- air, about 25 percent of the soil volume
The amount of each of the four major components of soil depends on the quantity of vegetation, soil compaction, and water present in the soil. A good, healthy soil has sufficient air, water, minerals, and organic material to promote and sustain plant life.
Join us in our journey and Advocacy “Help in saving mother earth”.
Other Organic products we have:
@Hybrid Organic Foliar fertilizer
— — See our Documentation — —
@Hybrid Organic Pesticide(liquid)
@Water Bonsai Powder
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