Are weeds bad in a garden? #NaturesGOLD explained!
Weed, general term for any plant growing where it is not wanted. Ever since humans first attempted the cultivation of plants, they have had to fight the invasion by weeds into areas chosen for crops.
Weeds can cut-off your plants food supply
If your plants aren’t getting enough nitrogen, potassium and other nutrients, they become more susceptible to disease and insect infestation. And as weeds suck up nutrients from the soil, this can not only cause plants to wither, it can lead to abnormal fruit growth and color.
Weeding is one of the least popular jobs to be done in a vegetable garden. If the weather is fine and there is time to spare then it can be quite enjoyable. However, during busy periods weeds can quickly take hold and controlling them feels like more of a battle than a leisure activity. So, what are the best ways to keep weeds under control without resorting to harmful methods such as chemical weed killers?
Prevention is Better than Cure
The first rule when considering weed control is to minimize the amount of work. Use the following methods to stop weeds growing in the first place:
- Exclude light from unplanted vegetable beds. Placing sheets of cardboard, weighed down with bricks, over a vegetable bed before planting will ensure that weeds don’t get the light they need to grow. There will still be some persistent perennial weeds that survive such as horsetail (mare’s tail) but the problem will be much reduced.
- Add Mulch. Once plants have grown beyond the seedling stage and are established, you can add mulch to suppress weeds, retain moisture and feed the plants.
- Consider using deeper beds: Deeper beds (often raised beds with sides of 30cm or 12 inches filled with high-quality compost mixture) give plants more room for their roots to extend downward. This means you can usually space plants closer with less space for weeds in-between. Many low-maintenance systems such as Square Foot Gardening use this concept combined with sterilized weed-free soil on top.
- Grow the Weeds First: If you are using home-produced compost then it often contains weed seeds (if the compost pile didn’t get hot enough to kill them). When preparing a vegetable bed with compost I will sometimes water it for a few weeks to encourage the weed seeds to germinate. They can then be sliced off using a hoe or their roots disturbed using a garden hand-fork a week before I put in the plants I want to keep. This method can be a great time-saver because it is much easier to weed a bed when everything in it is weeds and you are then left with almost weed-free soil. Just ensure you don’t disturb the soil too much as that can bring fresh weed seeds to the surface. Unfortunately it doesn’t work so well in areas where weed seeds are being blown in from neighboring fields or gardens
Weeds can kill a gardener’s enthusiasm, and cause many to abandon the garden in midsummer. Therefore, it is important to prevent weeds or control them while they are small and before they get out of control.
Since any plant growing out of place can be considered a weed, a sweet corn plant (from an accidentally dropped seed) growing in a row of bush snap beans is technically a weed; but the most common garden weeds are crabgrass, yellow and purple nutsedge, morningglories, bermudagrass, coffee weed, and pigweed.
Eliminate weeds in your garden
Does vinegar kill weeds permanently?
A single application of vinegar sprayed onto young weed seedlings may kill them permanently. In the case of mature weeds and grasses with established roots (those over 2 weeks old), vinegar will not permanently kill the plant.
Is it better to pull weeds or spray them?
Spraying. Digging up weeds removes the entire weed, roots and all, from the ground. … The unsightly weeds are completely removed from your garden, providing you immediate gratification. The best way to dig up weeds is to wait until after a rain, when the soil is still wet and soft enough to pull the weeds out.
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